Hlib Antypenko

Graduated in master in Architecture and Urban Design at Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (Ukraine). In 2019, he started his doctoral PhD studies at the Department of Urban Planning and Design at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) as “Stipendium Hungaricum” grantee. His research is focused on middle-class mass housing in post-socialist cities. During the period of 2015-2016 academic year, he was studying at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon funded by the Tempus “INFINITY” scholarship. He was also involved in a number of international workshops and projects in Slovenia, Portugal, Ukraine, The Netherlands, Germany, Russia.
Regina Balla

Regina Balla does her architect PhD at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics specialized in urban planning and development. She graduated from the BME in 2016. During her studies she worked as junior architect in different architecture offices, thanks to international scholarships also in Madrid and Delft. Since 2013 she has participated in more scientific student conferences and competitions, where her returning topic was the urban architecture of post-war large housing estates. Accordingly in her PhD she examines the character of this special urban form, post-war large housing estates in Hungary.
Melinda Benkő

Melinda BENKŐ (PhD and habilitation in Architecture) is an architect, associate professor at the Department of Urban Planning and Design, Faculty of Architecture, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary, which she headed between 2012-2019. Her research, academic, and professional activities focus on contemporary urban design theory and practice related to urban form and space usage. Living and teaching in Budapest, Ms. Benkő participates in international cooperation (URBACT Re-Block, COST TU1203, Interreg Danube, DOCOMOMO ISC U+L, COST CA18137), organizes international academic programs in her home university: urban design workshops, doctoral conference series about post-socialist urban heritage, etc.
Klára Brůhová

Is a scholar in the field of history and theory of architecture of the twentieth century and works in the Department of Theory and History of Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture, CTU in Prague and in the Department of Theory and History of Art at the Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague (research, lectures, seminars etc.). In 2015, she presented her Ph.D. thesis “Prague Unbuilt“, today, her main focus lies primarily in the research of the post-war architecture and in the issue of its preservation.
Lina Degtyaryova

PhD student in Uzhhorod National University, Department of Archeology, Ethnology and Cultural Studies. Her work focuses specifically on the interwar urban processes and history of architecture in Uzhhorod. Co-founder of NGO Uzhhorod Modernism and educational and research online project Uzhhorod Modernism (2016). Author and co-author of publications and research projects. She is co-author, together with Oleg Olashyn, of monography “Architecture of Uzhhorod. Austro-Hungarian Era. 1867 – 1918.” Participant and speaker of international architecture and preservation of cultural heritage conferences. She is a member of Consultative Council in the Cultural Heritage department of Regional administration.
Jelica Jovanović

Is an architect and PhD student at the University of Technology in Vienna. She graduated with a degree in Architecture from the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. She is a founder and member of the NGO Grupa arhitekata, and Docomomo Serbia national chapter.
Lýdia Grešáková

Lýdia is a sociologist, publicist, and activist. She is engaged in issues such as the sustainability of cities, modes of public engagement in processes of (re-)making of cities, facilitation, and the role of critical art in politics. She is also a photographer.
Ondřej Jirásek

Is a research fellow at the Department of History in Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice (UPJŠ) and PhD candidate in the fields of history at UPJŠ and architecture at University of Valladolid within the joint PhD program under urbanHist project in Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement. His research is focused on urban history, more concretely on the nationalization and homogenization of society via urban space under the regimes of Slovak state and Early Francoism. He has a master's degree in geoinformatics at Palacký University in Olomouc.
Mária Klaučová

(*1981, Bratislava)
I studied architecture and urbanism at the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and at the KTH School of architecture in Stockholm (2005-2006).
After graduating in 2007 at the Institute of Urban Design and Planning, I worked as an urbanist on projects of zonal and city scale at studio Aurex (studio for urban design and urban planning).
Since 2011 I have my own practice and work as an architect and urbanist on projects of different scales, from small architecture interventions to urban design studies. In addition, I continue collaborating with atelier Aurex and atelier Compass on urban design projects.
As I am interested in an interdsciplinary view of the city which I perceive as a social phenomenon, I am currently doing a PhD thesis at The Institute for Sociology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences. My research is focused on the current changes of the city space and the connection between global processes and the everyday life of the city.
Anna Kornélia Losonczy

Graduated at BME Budapest in 2015 as an architect, and in 2018 as an urban designer and planner. Lecturer and instructor of several courses at the Department of Urban Planning and Design since 2015. PhD student since 2019 at Csonka Pál Doctoral School, Faculty of Architecture, BME Budapest. Her PhD research topic is related to the role of contemporary social phenomena and innovation in urban housing and well-being. The research concentrates to the centrality of the outskirts of Budapest.
Karel Maier

Prof. ing. arch., PhD
Professor of urban and regional planning at the Institute of Spatial Planning at the Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague. Lecturer at the Faculty of Environment, Czech University of Life Sciences. Major research focus on sustainable development of cities and regions and spatial planning systems as tools to accomplish it. Member of the Czech Chamber of Architects, German Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL), Czech national representative in the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP).
Pavol Mazalán
MUDr. Pavol Mazalán is a scientific assistant at Commenius Unversity's Faculty of Medicine. He's a practitioner at a Surgical clinic at St. Cyril a Metodhodius Hospital in Bratislava. Apart from his primary focus as a surgeon, his long term interest is that of approach to and care for surgical patients with mental and complex disorders.
Peter Mazalán

Ing. arch., Mgr. art. Peter Mazalán, PhD. is a research assistant at the Slovak University of Technology's Faculty of Architecture and Design. In his research he studies autism in the context of built environment and architecture. He's a member of several research teams focusing on inclusive design within national and international projects.
Henrieta Moravčíková

is professor of the architecture history at the Faculty of Architecture, Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava and head of the Department of Architecture at the Institute of History, Slovak Academy of Sciences. Her field of interest is 20th and 21st century architecture with focus on Modern Movement and architecture heritage. She is chair of the Slovak DOCOMOMO chapter. She has published several monographs, tens of studies and critiques on architecture of 20th century and prepared several architecture exhibitions. Her book Architect Friedrich Weinwurm (2014) was awarded International DAM Architectural Book Award 2015.
Oleg Olashyn

Co-founder of NGO Uzhhorod Modernism specializing on researching, documentation and popularization of interwar modernist architecture of Uzhhorod. A significant part of his activity is devoted to researching and protection of urban architectural heritage. Author and co-author of publications, exhibitions and research projects. Participant of international architecture and preservation of cultural heritage conferences. He is co-author, together with Lina Degtyaryova, of monography “Architecture of Uzhhorod. Austro-Hungarian Era. 1867–1918” and urban manual “Directory of the Urban Arrangement of Uzhhorod”.
Adriana Priatkova

graduated from the Secondary Vocational School of Arts and Crafts in Bratislava in 1968, and The Faculty of Architecture of the Slovak Technical University in Bratislava in 1974, where she received PhD (2012) and habilitated as an associate professor (2015). Since 1998 she has lectured at the Department of Architecture and since 2015 at the Department of Theory and History of Arts of the Faculty of Arts of Technical University in Košice. She has also devoted her time to the research of the inter-war modern architecture in Košice, in Slovakia, with exceed to Hungary and the Ukraine. In 2013 she received as a co-author an Award of Prof. Martin Kusý for the monograph: Architect Oelschläger – Őry.
Zuzana Révészová

Zuzana R. graduated in art theory, law and sociology. She currently pursues a PhD in public administration and regional development at the Faculty of Economics at TU Košice, with a research focus on culture-led urban development. In parallel, she works for Creative Industry Košice as a project manager and researcher.
Ján Sekan

graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of the Technical University in Budapest (1982), postgradual studies in Monument protection at the Czech Technical University in Prague (1987). PhD. degree received at Slovak Technical University in Bratislava (2019). Works as a freelance architect and a part-time teacher at the Department of Architecture of the Technical University in Košice. Recent field of research: history of townplanning of Košice. Most important work: Reconstruction of the Hradova castle in Košice – a project for the Košice - European Capitol of Culture 2013, awarded by the Slovak Chamber of Architects.
Aliaksandr Shuba

Aliaksandr Shuba is a graduate from the BA and MA programmes in Cultural Heritage Studies at the European Humanities University (EHU) in Vilnius, Lithuania. Currently, Aliaksandr Shuba is a PhD candidate and working as an Early Stage Researcher on the individual research project on the Soviet Historiography of Urban Planning with the critical analysis of the cross-nationally oriented publications in Slavic langauges at the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar (BUW) in Germany and the Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Šafárika v Košiciach (UPJŠ) in Slovakia.
Matěj Spurný

Working as an assistant professor at the Institute for Economic and Social History of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University and as a research fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History of the Czech Academy of Sciences (both since 2012). He had also worked as research fellow at the Centre for Contemporary History (ZZF) in Potsdam and at the Imre Kertész Kolleg in Jena. He contributed to historiographical and public debates about post war history of Czechoslovakia especially with his dissertation "They are not as us" about ethnic minorities in postwar Czechoslovakia (published 2011 in Czech and 2019 in German) and his book “Making the Most of Tomorrow” about productivist approach towards natural and urban landscape during the era of state socialism (published 2016 in Czech, 2019 in English). His latiest publications focus on environmental and urban history of late socialist and postsocialist Czechoslovakia.
Peter Stec

Holds a diploma from the University of Applied Arts in Vienna and a master’s degree in architecture from Princeton University. His studio recently won competitions for a boarding school master plan and a sports campus. The work explores process as an architectural and urban medium through interactive installations, animated and evolutionary design, and dynamic urban planning. It profits form parallel academic research, such as Fulbright Research Fellowship conducted at Rice University, and studios taught at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava, Cornell University, the State University of New York and Umprum in Prague.
Zuzana Tabačková

Zuzana T. is an architect and urban planner with focus and interest in participatory design practice, urban commons, formal and informal spaces of education and built environment education. Since 2018, she is a researcher and lecturer of urban design and planning at TU Berlin, Institute for City and Regional Planning, Department of Urban Design and Planning.
Máté Dávid Tamáska

sociologist MA, expert in monument protection, teacher at the University College Apor Vilmos (HU), fellow at the Hungarian National Archive and researcher with Bolyai Stipendium of Hungarian Academy of Science. Special field of interest: sociology of architecture. Most important projects: Structure of Space and Society in Divided Towns in V4 and in Germany, New Settlements after 1945, -Comparing Townscapes Studies of Regional Cities (Brno, Szeged, Košice, Wrocław) “Hidden Documents” of Urban Planning in Hungary 1945-1990, Townscape of Twin’s Cities of Wien-Budapest. Most important publications in the subject: Kassa vidék településképei (2013) p. 556. (Settlementscapes of Kosice region).